Overcoming Fear of Failure

You dreamed a big dream. You’ve set a high goal for yourself. Now what? It is easy to become demoralized when you do not see progress toward your goal. But change is slow and often undetectable to our eager and analytical minds. Nonetheless, when we consistently apply our thoughts and energy toward our goals, we are sure to move closer to success. Here are some morale-boosting strategies to help you persevere:

1. Start your day with a positive affirmation meditation (browse thousands of options on Insight Timer, for example)
2. Keep a talisman close – choose something that symbolizes your success or makes you feel good when you focus on it (a picture, a song, a phrase or saying, etc.)
3. Remember a time when you achieved a similar goal – think about the time and energy that you applied to making it happen. It didn’t happen overnight, right?
4. Find a reprieve – do something fun and enjoyable unrelated to your goal several times a day. Completely disengaging from your focus on the future can refresh your perspective and lead to new ideas and energy for your endeavor.
5. Reach out to me for a coaching session to support your vision for your best life!